Archive for the ‘ sex ’ Category

The Evolution of Shopping


Although it seems like a far-fetched explanation, some psychologists have attempted to explain shopping habits through Darwin’s evolution theory. Answers to questions such as: “Why do women spend so much time looking around shops?” to “Why do men hate shopping?” have been answered with some plausible explanations.

It appears that when women take their time looking around shops and trying many different items on, they are reflecting behaviour that has been charcterised through evolution. Darwin’s theory suggested that as women can only conceive once every 9 months, they are very careful in the mate they pick. Women spend a lot of time making sure that her genes are passed down with the very best of the pick as she doesn’t have the sexual privileges that men have in passing down his genes. Men have the physical ability to pass his genes down many times in one night with many women, so he doesn’t have to be as picky as the women do. If he makes a “mistake”, then he can pick out a better alternative the next day. Women can’t.

Let’s try and replicate what the evolution theory has suggested in the world of the shopping mall. The carefulness of the choosing in women is reflected in her shopping habits, as she looks around making sure that her money goes to the very best of the pick. She tries items on, making sure it fits well, and when she finds her perfect item, she goes in for the kill. Alternatively, men just (as the common phrase goes…) get in and get out. If he makes a “mistake”, they aren’t too fussy about returning the item either… they make the best of it. Besides, tomorrow’s another day when you can probably get an alternative. Women on the other hand appear to return items as soon as possible if there’s a problem with it.

As controversial as this next phrase is: Shame you can’t do that with the baby!